- Restoring, beautifying and preserving the small Jewish cemeteries that dot the archipelago
- Documenting the stories about the Jewish immigrants and their descendants through archival research and extensive interviews culminating in a book.
- Promoting Jewish Heritage tourism to Cape Verde.
A website called http://www.capeverdejewishheritage.org/ is under construction. We are in the process of forming a board of directors and outlining an action plan for information dissemination and fundraising. Descendants of the Jews of Cape Verde from the United States to Portugal to Cape Verde are intimately involved in all phases of the project. Meantime, we are accepting donations in any amount and for any aspect of the Project. Contributions may be sent to the Cape Verde Jewish Heritage Project Inc., 400 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 812, Washington, DC 20001. Feel free to earmark your donation for a specific aspect of the project. We will also be targeting foundations dedicated to preserving Sephardic heritage and culture.